Natomas Gateways Middle School blazes new trail by issuing Chromebook to every student

--- Published on September 17th 2014 ---
News & Alerts

Natomas Gateways Middle School blazed a new academic trail today by issuing Chromebooks for every student to use in classes and at home.

Students were presented a Chromebook, a carrying case and an electrical charging device once  they passed a short quiz on computer care and submitted a form, signed by themselves and their parents, to accept responsibility for proper use.

“I’m excited,” said Christian, 12. “I’ve been waiting for this day for so long.”

Principal Marnie Lynch called today a “huge day for the school,” which opened last month on the grounds of Natomas High School.  “These are 21st century tools for students to get access to the most current information.”

Students throughout Natomas Unified have access to Chromebooks, but Natomas Gateways is the first campus to assign a computer for every child to use in every class, every day, and to take home for research or homework.

“It’s better than getting a heavy textbook,” said Pearce, 12.

Most students interviewed at NGMS today said they already know how to use a Chromebook and are looking forward to 24-hour access.

 Aaliyah, 12, said one advantage to having a Chromebook is that if she’s having trouble with schoolwork, she can email her teacher.

 The pilot program recognizes the growing emphasis on technology in education. NGMS students were issued careful instructions on computer etiquette and care – keep food and drinks away from your Chromebook, for example. Don’t hold the computer by its screen. Never pack it with other materials. Keep cords and components away from pets who may chew them.

 Assigning every student a Chromebook creates new possibilities for instruction – collaborative learning, for example, where students can create an online document that can be viewed and fine-tuned by classmates while their teacher watches and makes suggestions via computer.

 Principal Lynch predicted the Chromebooks will pay dividends to her middle school students for years to come. “I think it’s going to accelerate their learning astronomically – and that’s not an overstatement.”