What can 2nd-graders learn from a ‘community hero?’ … Plenty!

--- Published on December 01st 2015 ---
News & Alerts

There’s a lot to learn from a community hero, especially if you’re a 2nd grader in Natomas Unified.

You can start by researching your hero on the Internet, perhaps do a live interview, then write about your local standout. You can write a friendly letter to your hero. You can write a  short play about your hero, then perform it in front of the class.

Perhaps your hero will agree to speak at your school, so you can practice listening and following-up with relevant questions. Along the way, you’ll learn about career options, public service, and the Natomas region where you live.

These are the kinds of wide-ranging academic exercises used recently at Witter Ranch Elementary School, where 2nd-graders hosted a variety of community heroes, including a police officer, firefighter, North Natomas librarian, and Sacramento Mayor Pro Tem Angelique Ashby.

Their “Community Heroes” segment in English-Language Arts is part of a statewide push to make learning more interactive, encouraging student engagement and critical thinking, not just reading a book and getting quizzed.

 Samantha, 7, did not hesitate when asked to describe community heroes.

“They’re hard-working and they want to help,” she said.

“They do very important things in the community,” added Jacob, 7.

 Ashby, in speaking to Witter Ranch 2nd graders recently, touched upon the City Council’s role in the community, some of its accomplishments – including a water attraction at Witter Ranch Park – and how she became a city leader.

Community heroes all have something in common, she said.

“We all want to help other people,” Ashby said.

I ran for the City Council because I wanted to help my community,” she added. “The reason people are heroes is because they put other people before themselves.”

The 2nd graders tossed wide-ranging questions at Ashby, including:

  • Do you work in the Capitol?
  • How old are you?

  • How did you get your job?

  • When is the next election?

Teacher Ana Reilly said that 2nd grade is a good time for the “Community Heroes” curriculum because kids are old enough to understand that their actions can affect others and to begin thinking about their future.