Heredia-Arriaga School

New Spanish Dual Immersion School

Opening 2023-2024 for Transitional Kindergarten (TK) and Kindergarten students

Dear NUSD Families,

NUSD Board of Trustees has approved opening the Heredia-Arriaga School to students, staff and families for the elementary grades in 2023-2024. (See map below for the school’s location.)  Heredia-Arriaga will be unique amongst our elementary campuses in that it will have a Spanish dual language immersion (DLI) program, also commonly known as two-way immersion. This is an exciting opportunity because research shows that a DLI program can provide students with academic success at or above grade level in two languages. Students who enroll into DLI programs speak English, Spanish, or both English and Spanish. The goal of the DLI program is for all students to achieve or exceed in grade level academic standards, to become bilingual (can formally read, write and speak) in both Spanish and English, and to gain cross-cultural understanding. It is an opportunity for students to develop positive attitudes about students who speak other languages and have different cultural backgrounds, and it helps prepare students for college and career. We are pleased to be able to offer this option to our students and families.

Enrollment in the DLI program during the 2023-24 school year will only be for students enrolling in Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten as we are building the program from the beginning elementary grades (TK/K), and then adding a grade each year.  

We will be hosting upcoming family/community information nights in partnership with California State University, Sacramento (Sac State) College of Education. In these sessions, we will share more information regarding dual immersion with our community and engage with families who have students enrolling in Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten in 2023-2024 and beyond and who may be interested in having their students participate. If you are interested in attending, please review the flyer below for more information. We look forward to meeting with families.

We also want to thank the families who participated in providing feedback on our initial family interest survey.  As a reminder, the survey was shared to gather information, potential interest, and input from families who will have a student enrolling into Transitional Kindergarten or Kindergarten in Natomas Unified in 2023-2024 or beyond to help us continue to inform our planning.

NUSD Expandirá Heredia-Arriaga a un Campus K-8

Asegura el camino para que los estudiantes se vuelvan bilingües


Gracias a la Mesa de Directivos del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Natomas (NUSD), Heredia-Arriaga se expandirá a un campus K-8. Fue decidido en la reunión de la Directiva la semana pasada.

“La expansión es una decisión crítica porque académicamente asegura la ruta para que nuestros estudiantes sigan la alfabetización bilingüe para convertirse en bilingües hasta la escuela intermedia y poder seguir estudios avanzados de idiomas en la escuela secundaria”, dijo Tonja Jarrell, superintendente asociada de NUSD. Jarrell compartió con la Directiva el modelo que se utilizará para respaldar el programa de doble inmersión (DLI). Heredia-Arriaga será la primera escuela de NUSD con un programa DLI enfocado en español-inglés. “Existe muchas investigaciónes que demuestran que los programas DLI deben tener una continuidad desde la escuela primaria hasta la secundaria. Cuando los estudiantes se sumergen en varios idiomas, es más probable que sean bilingües y de lectoescritura bilingüe, y que tengan una mayor alfabetización en ambos idiomas”, dijo Jarrell.

A los estudiantes se les enseñará en español e inglés con un 90 por ciento de instrucción en español y un 10 por ciento en inglés. Con cada año, la instrucción en inglés aumentará en un 10 por ciento y la instrucción en español disminuirá en un 10 por ciento. Es decir, para el quinto grado, la instrucción en inglés y español se dividirá en partes iguales, 50-50. A lo largo de los años, los estudiantes aprenderán a leer, escribir y hablar áreas de contenido básico en ambos idiomas.


El campus abrirá para el año escolar 2023-2024 con estudiantes de kínder de transición y kínder y aumentará un grado cada año a medida que los estudiantes completen un año al siguiente. Para el año escolar 2028-29, la escuela tendrá estudiantes de quinto grado y un estimado de 600 estudiantes. Las familias están emocionadas con el programa. De hecho, ya existe una lista de espera para los estudiantes que deseen matricularse en la nueva escuela. Ana Yantas es una de las madres que espera con interés que su estudiante se una a la comunidad escolar Heredia-Arriaga. Los mellizos de la Sra.Yantas comenzarán el Kinder en el otoño y ella dijo que ve el programa de DLI como una forma en que los estudiantes se destaquen académicamente. “Mis hijos van a aprender a leer y escribir en ambos idiomas, y eso es muy emocionante para mí”, dijo Yantas. “Quiero que puedan hablar español correctamente y comunicarse con la familia y los abuelos”.

Las investigaciones han demostrado que los programas DLI pueden proporcionar a los estudiantes el éxito académico a nivel de grado o superior en dos idiomas. La directora Liz Aguirre tiene 11 años de experiencia en educación bilingüe. Aguirre dijo que los programas DLI impactan a los estudiantes de muchas maneras, “Una es económica ya que los estudiantes tienen más oportunidades de empleo. Cuando hablan dos idiomas, pueden leer y escribir en dos idiomas, lo que brinda más oportunidades a nivel mundial”, dijo Aguirre. “También hay ventajas sociales. Entonces, cuando los estudiantes participan en un programa de doble inmersión, están expuestos a diferentes culturas”. Esto se alinea directamente con los valores fundamentales de NUSD de abrazar la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión.

La construcción del nuevo sitio está en marcha y según lo programado para la gran inauguración el 10 de agosto. La escuela está ubicada en el lado este de Club Center Drive. Aquí hay una reciente vista aérea del sitio. Si desea más información, por favor visite

Todavía hay espacios disponibles para estudiantes de kinder de transición y kínder que hablan español. Si desea inscribir a su estudiante, comuníquese con: 916-567-5730 o visite:


It’s been 31 years since Elizabeth Aguirre began her career in education, a journey filled with joy and pride. A graduate from Sacramento State University, Aguirre was selected to be the new leader of Heredia-Arriaga, the Natomas Unified School District’s New Spanish Dual Immersion School opening for the 2023-2024 school year. “I am looking forward to having the ability to design the school and work with a team of people who want to create a dual immersion program that is going to help students to learn two languages,” shares Aguirre. She’s bringing experience with her including being a former principal at a Dual Immersion school, Bowling Green Chacon Language and Science Academy.

In addition to being bilingual/biliterate herself and having a strong background as a teacher and 12 years in leadership, she’s a mother of three children who benefitted from a dual immersion education. “My twins were fortunate to go through a dual language program in elementary. They have both graduated from college and are bilingual and biliterate in Spanish.” Aguirre is excited to be able to offer those same opportunities to students living in the Natomas community. “It’s a huge advantage when you are able to speak two languages. I even noticed higher test scores from my students enrolled in the dual language program compared to those who were not.”

Aguirre enjoys being involved in the community. She has been the founder and member of several community organizations aimed at helping to improve education for all children and adults. One organization in particular included building 200 homes for low income families and help with starting businesses for women who never worked before. Another organization that she is passionate about is the Home Visit Project, now a national program that supports parent-teacher home visits. Aguirre was responsible for writing the curriculum in the early stages of the organization.

We are lucky to have her here in Natomas!

Liz Aguirre, principal of Heredia-Arriaga School in Natomas Unified School District

Heredia Arriaga School is open to enrollment for Transitional Kindergarten and Kindergarten students only in 2023-2024

Heredia- Arriaga School (HAS) Enrollment Procedures- NUSD Residents

All families applying to HAS will follow our regular NUSD Enrollment Procedures. Families are encouraged to commit to completing the full program (TK-5th grade).

Families whose students are currently enrolled in Transitional Kinder (TK) at another NUSD school and who wish to apply for kindergarten at HAS do not need to re-enroll, but will need to complete an Intradistrict transfer request for kindergarten for the following year. Enrollment for intradistrict transfer requests also begins November 1. If approved by NUSD, the student will be enrolled.

A completed application includes: The four required documents (completed enrollment packet either online or paper, proof of age, immunization record, and proof of residence) as stated on the NUSD website. Completed applications will be date/time stamped.

Completed applications will be reviewed and students will be enrolled in the order they are received and per our NUSD enrollment procedures. However, consideration will also be made regarding the language spoken by the students to establish, to the extent possible, a balanced language learning environment needed in a Dual Immersion Program (e.g. a mix of English, bilingual, and Spanish speaking students).

Transportation will be provided to NUSD resident students upon family request for Heredia-Arriaga.

Enrollment Capacity

If enrollment is at capacity, students will be placed on a waiting list according to their language. Students will be enrolled from the waiting list in the order of applications received (date/time stamp) and per the language balance needs of the program.

Additional Considerations for 1st-6th Grade Enrollment (2024-2025 and beyond)

We will be enrolling for 1st grade beginning on November 1, 2023, for the 2024-2025 school year, and we will continue to add a grade level each subsequent school year. Families of students who were not enrolled in the HAS program in TK and Kindergarten, and who are interested in enrolling, are encouraged to attend a meeting to learn more about HAS. To determine if the program is a right choice for your student and your family, a designated staff member will:
•    explain the program to your family
•    provide a tour of the school
•    explain the long-term benefits of the Dual Immersion Program
•    work with your student to complete a language assessment

Enrollment Procedures – Residents Outside Of NUSD

Priority enrollment will be granted to NUSD residents, however, pending space availability, families who reside outside of NUSD may also apply to enroll. Enrollment for students residing outside of NUSD begins November 1-January 31st. Families are notified of their status by February 15th. A completed interdistrict permit is required. Completed Interdistrict permits received after January 31 are reviewed monthly. Families are notified by the 15th of the following month. Transportation services are not provided to families who reside outside of NUSD.

*A completed Interdistrict permit includes the following:
•    You must request a permit from your district of residence.
•    Bring the signed and approved permit to NUSD for approval.
•    Include a written request that includes the reason for the transfer.
•    You will be notified if the permit is accepted, and you will be asked to complete NUSD enrollment.

Listen to NUSD Podcast to learn more about the new Heredia-Arriaga School