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Intro Spanish


Mary Billings

Class Notes

Class Note - 12/16/19 4 years ago
We have been assembling the project for this unit in class and practice some of the vocabulary. Practice for last presentation of semester how to answer 4 questions: 1. What is your name? Como te llamas? Me llamo (say your name) 2. How are you? Como estas? Estoy (bien, or mal or regular) 3. What day is today? Que dIa es hoy? Hoy es el 14 de diciembre. 4. Where are you from? De donde eres? Soy de (Sacramento or city you were born) Show 4 pages done in class about your country map, flag and colors, flower and animal. When you present in Spanish follow the example and present your country. Example: Es Argentina (show map) Es la bandera de Argentina. Es de color blanco, azul y rojo . (show flag) Es ceibo . (show flower) Es pajaro hornero (show animal)


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Class Note - 11/07/19 4 years ago
Intro Spanish Assignment Qtr 1 and 2


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Mi Familia Due: Wednesday November 13, 2019
Review subject pronouns Grammar on Ch 1 page 14 of textbook . Write in Spanish Family Vocabulary: grandmother, grandfather, mother, father, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin (male), cousin (female). Review with handout. Write 10 sentences about name of family member. Example: Mi papa se llama Marco.


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