Class Note – 11/07/17

Happy Monday! Here is what is going on this week:

Sutter’s Fort: Permission slips and the $50 donation are due tomorrow! Students should have them in their homework folder or backpack. If another copy is needed, have your student see me first thing in the morning. And again, if your student is not planning to attend the trip, please let me know so we can come up with a plan!

Math: This will be our last week with Module 2, we will take our end of module assessment next week. I wanted to share a great homework resource for students wanting help with math homework. Check out the link below! ‘Mr. Kung’ has all the 5th grade Eureka Math homework lessons and does an excellent job at explaining. Worth checking out for sure! Here is the link for tonight’s homework!

Language Arts: This week we will read non-fiction articles and determine the authors Point of View. We will also be starting our essay’s on Old Yeller.

Social Studies: We are getting prepared for Sutter’s Fort this week for Social Studies! We will choose characters to portray based on people who actually lived at the fort during that time. Students will do a research based project to learn more about their character.
Nightly Math Homework
Nightly Spelling Homework (see words below)
Reading 20 minutes each night