Diverse Future Teachers Program offers Resources, Financial Aid, and Flexibility for Future Educators

--- Published on August 11th 2023 ---
Diverse Future Teachers August 2023
Diverse Future Teachers Program offers Resources, Financial Aid, and Flexibility for Future Educators

The Diverse Future Teachers program helps future teachers, counselors, and educational leaders realize their dreams. Watch this minute long video to hear current NUSD employee Markus Benjamin share what drove him to complete the program.

The program offers benefits such as:

  • Pay 80% of the cost of your one-year teacher credential program
  • Provide an NUSD Macbook for use during your credential program
  • Provide a $500 monthly allowance for 12 months if you choose to live within NUSD boundaries during the duration of your credential program
  • Provide monetary incentives if you meet requirements for:
    • Diversity: $5,000 (i.e. lived in a ZIP code that matches our demographics; bilingual; demonstrated academic interest in subjects such as gender, race, multicultural studies; involvement with organizations that support underserved students)
    • Earning teaching credentials in “hard to fill” subject areas: $5,000
      (i.e. Math, Science, mod/severe Special Education, World Language)

To apply to the Diverse Future Teachers Program, click here. You have until September 4th.