Get Ready for the 2023-24 School Year – Middle and High School Students

--- Published on August 02nd 2023 ---

Episode 2 of the Get Ready for the 2023-24 School Year series is now available

With the upcoming school year just around the corner, the Natomas Unified School District staff shares some advice for getting your student ready for August 10th, the first day of the 2023-24 school year. Click here to listen to tips specifically for middle and high school students. Access the upcoming school calendar here.

Ben Odell, a Director with NUSD’s Office of the Chief Academic Officer, who also has experience as an Assistant Principal and English teacher advises students how to utilize what they are doing now to help them after they graduate from high school:

  1. Take a look at the classes students are taking over the next school year. Having students ask themselves if these particular classes will help propel them in their careers, after high school. “Will these classes help me get to my end goal of college or career?”
  2. Don’t be afraid to take classes outside of your comfort zone. The experience you gain in high school may help you pinpoint what you’re truly passionate about.
  3. Find your classes, map out your schedule. Know where you’re going before the first day of class and feel confident!
  4. Need to revise your schedule? Talk to a counselor and get your course schedule squared away.
  5. Love a specific subject? Take the Advanced Placement (AP) course in that subject. Peers in these courses will help uplift and support you and teachers are there to support you. AP classes will also help you hone in on what you’re truly passionate about.
  6. Take advantage of the free resources NUSD provides such as Varsity Tutors.

For specific school information, please select your school from the list found on this webpage.
