Natomas High School Senior Sworn-in as 2023-24’s Student Board Member

--- Published on August 17th 2023 ---
2023-24 Student Trustee with NUSD Board of Trustees

The Natomas Unified School District is happy to announce Valentino “Tino” Gomez was officially sworn into office during the August 16th board meeting as the district’s new Student Board Member. Gomez’s term will be for the 2023-24 school year. 


Gomez currently attends Natomas High School (NHS) as a senior. He describes himself as a student leader who is committed to helping others; donating time helping elementary students, being in service to peers as NHS’s Student Body Academic Commissioner, and serving on NHS’s Student Council.


Gomez is eager to work with the NUSD Board of Trustees in promoting positive change for students and families, “I look forward to going to community events and engaging with fellow students. So when I speak, I can share exactly how students feel,” Gomez says.” By getting to know my fellow students, when making decisions, I will understand the weight that it carries in affecting change throughout the student body.”


After graduating from NHS, Gomez plans to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Ethnic Studies or Humanities, so that he may possibly pursue a career in education. 


Each year, the district rotates among three high schools – Discovery, Inderkum and Natomas high schools to serve as the district school board member. Last school year, there was a representative from Discovery and the year prior, Inderkum. 

  • Valentino
  • Valentino
  • Valentino