Welcome back to school from Superintendent Dr. Robyn Castillo

--- Published on August 01st 2023 ---
Welcome back to school 23-24

NUSD Families,

Greetings and welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! I am extremely excited to serve as your new superintendent and to become a part of this wonderful community. There are so many positive things happening in Natomas Unified School District. I am proud to work alongside a team of committed, collaborative, caring, and exemplary employees who work hard to serve our students every day.

I am committed to forwarding the District’s Vision, Goals, Core Values, and Commitments. My goal is to build upon and enhance how we support the academic and social-emotional needs of our students in a safe, welcoming environment. Our team values learning and achievement for all students and will continue our focus on literacy with a lens on diversity, equity, and inclusion. I look forward to partnering with our families to continue to provide a high-quality education for all students.

As we embark on this new school year, here are a few notable highlights about our district:

  • Our Graduation rate is 96%, compared to the state average of 87%.

  • 68% of our graduates met A-G requirements, a requirement to attend any of the California State University and University of California campuses, and many private universities.

  • Our high school students have access to 10 different Career Technical Education Pathways.

  • All students who need a Chromebook are able to receive one at no cost to families.

  • Free internet access at home is available for our families via the NUSD Connect Wireless Towers.

  • Free virtual tutoring is available for all students 24 hours a day.

There is so much more that makes Natomas Unified unique and the perfect place for our families and staff to call home. I touch upon some of that and what I am looking forward to this school year in a podcast I recorded recently for our community. Feel free to listen to it by clicking here or visiting the Apple or Google Store to download the Natomas Unified School District Podcast app.

I wish you and your family a successful school year.

Robyn Castillo, Ed.D.
