Update on the Superintendent Search & Timeline

--- Published on January 27th 2023 ---
News & Alerts

Natomas Community,

As you may know, in October 2022 Superintendent Chris Evans notified the community that he intends to retire in 2024.  It is important to the Board of Trustees to have a thoughtful and collaborative transition.  Over the last 2-3 months the Board of Trustees has approved the initiation of a superintendent search, approved a request for proposal (RFP) to invite interested firms to assist the Board in the superintendent search process, selected a superintendent search firm, and on Wednesday night the Board held their first special board meeting facilitated by the selected superintendent search firm McPherson & Jacobson, LLC.

One of the topics discussed during last night’s Special Board Meeting was a timeline for this process.  The Board of Trustees gave direction to move forward with a timeline that is posted on our dedicated webpage.  This dedicated webpage, which will be updated frequently with new information, can be accessed from the quick link on the Natomas Unified home page. In addition, please keep an eye out for communications over the next weeks with information on stakeholder engagement opportunities.  The superintendent search firm will be engaging various stakeholders Wednesday, February 15 – Friday, February 17, 2023.

Based on the timeline mentioned above, although there is some flexibility, the Board will appoint the next Superintendent and have them begin prior to the start of the 2023-2024 school year.